The word advocate stems from the French word avocat and before that the Latin word advocatus.
Advocatus means to be called to or summoned, or more specifically to come to someone’s aid in the courtroom.
As your advocate, I will zealously argue your position to the court and any other person involved in your case.
Problem Solver
Most people seek a lawyer because they have a problem that needs to be solved.
But that problem doesn’t always have to be solved in the courtroom.
I work to solve your problem in the fastest, most cost-effective manner, while keeping your goals in mind.
I know when to negotiate and when to go to trial.
Not every battle is worth your time, money, and emotional bandwidth.
I will use my years of trial experience to help you decide when to negotiate, when to settle and when to go to trial.
Practice Areas Include:
Criminal Defense
Family Law: Child Custody + Child Support + Cohabitation Agreements + Divorce + Legal Separation + Modification + Name Change + Paternity + Prenuptial Agreements + Separation Agreements
Family Law Cases with Special Issues: Domestic Violence + Hiding of Assets + High Conflict + Mental Illness + Removal + Substance Abuse
General Litigation
Limited Scope
Protection Orders
Real Estate
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Schedule a consultation.
I can’t wait to meet you and help you solve your legal problem. If you're ready for a measured, experienced lawyer who keeps your long-term goals and future in mind, contact Swaroff Law now.
402-413-0082 or by e-mail.